Saturday, March 7, 2015

Buffalo Meatballs

Hello friends! Here's a recent, healthy Wahls' Protocol-worthy plateful. Meatballs from ground organic buffalo meat -- I chopped raw garlic and Italian parsley and mixed it with the meat which I formed into small balls and cooked in coconut oil. An organic marinara was poured over the browned meatballs and warmed over low heat. I served the meatballs and sauce along with crispy garlic broccoli and Ume plum vinegar-steamed baby bok choy. This kind of eating seriously makes me feel so good -- healthy and strong without the dull, slowness of gluten and dairy.

Recently I've been upping my veggies, even to the exclusion of organic meats sometimes. Whenever I can manage it, though, I chow on wildcaught salmon or sardines, or organic chicken, livers or ground beef or buffalo. Over time, I've realized unground steak is too tough on my system.

As much as I can handle it, I'll continue to treat myself to simple, delicious organic food like this.

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