Sunday, February 21, 2016

This is What I Wanted for Breakfast Today

This is the type of craving I've learned to heed.  Rapini with garlic, sautéed in coconut oil and finished with a drizzle of olive oil was lovely beside Ezekiel toast with grass-fed butter and a gorgeous kraut.  The piquant tang of the natural probiotic goes so well with creamy butter and the crunch of sprouted bread.  As I ate the toast, quite a bit of the kraut fell overboard, but it was equally delicious stirred into the greens.

We went out to dinner with friends last night and I ordered a delicious steak, along with other wonderful food, but I'm normally accustomed to a veggie-forward plateful, with minimal animal protein.  I missed the veggies.
Despite my best efforts to lean into the Wahls' Protocol, I find that red meat is still contrary to my personal chemistry.  I know I'm receiving needed nutrients, but there's a price to be paid in terms of quality of life for a few days.  I find my pace to be more plodding, my mental acuity dulled.  There is the feeling of more strength and stability, but I feel set apart from the world so to speak -- maybe a bit too grounded if that makes any sense.  Meat lowers my mood as well.  While I know I need it, after the nutrients are extracted I want it out of my system as quickly as possible.  That's probably why I craved this cleansing plateful this morning.  Fish doesn't bring me down the way meat does, nor does organic liver, for whatever reason.  Has anyone else noticed how the energies of food affect us?  I'd be interested to hear.

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