Sunday, March 29, 2015

My Bone Broth

Dr. Wahl's bone broth is such an important part of the protocol, in my opinion. The beneficial effects of this elixir are palpable and immediate. For me, I feel grounded, strong and peaceful when I drink it. I've made soups with bone broth before, but my favorite way to have it is warmed with coconut milk, turmeric and cinnamon. It's delicious -- a real treat akin to dessert, almost like a creamy chai tea.

I love using this large glass vessel to store the bone broth. It has a rubbery plastic lid and is the perfect size and shape to fit next to my water filter pitcher in the fridge. To fill it after the broth has cooled in the crock pot, I've found these tools to be helpful. I use a wide-mouthed canning funnel on top of the pitcher, topped with a fine-mesh strainer. After the large solids are discarded from the crock pot, I use a large ladle to feed the broth through the mesh. Sometimes a garlic clove or another small bit of veg will make it's way into the strainer. I use the back of a spoon to press these delicious, mushy tidbits through the mesh into the broth below.

Most folks grimace when I talk about my bone broth, but they don't know what they're missing. I'm going to warm a fresh mugful right now!

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